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Outrageously Yours Page 3

“Spreadsheets?” He said the word in horror. “Okay, time-out.”

  She glanced at her impromptu workstation. Everything seemed to be in order. “What’s wrong?”

  He shook his head. “I can’t work like this. I won’t. It will drive me crazy.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll do most of it.”

  “I’m serious, Claire.” He rested his hand against her arm. “If you want my help to create a temporary and fake reputation, then we’re doing it my way.”

  “Your way,” Claire repeated dully. She didn’t like relinquishing control or conforming to someone else’s work system. “And that means...?”

  “We wing it.”

  She winced and pulled away from him. That was the worst plan. “Jason, how long have you known me?”

  “I’m not sure.” He was obviously puzzled by her question. “How long have you and Kim been friends?”

  “Since the first day I moved into town. I guess that would make it since kindergarten. And in all that time have you ever seen me wing it? Improvise? Go with the flow?”

  Jason gave a shrug. “I haven’t noticed.”

  She gritted her teeth. Of course he wouldn’t notice her. She was on the sidelines of his life while he frequently starred in her dreams. “Then let me enlighten you. I don’t improvise because that never works.”

  He propped his elbow on the bar counter. “You haven’t improvised with me.”

  “And there’s a reason for that. It would be like our brainstorming sessions. Your mind goes off in a direction I don’t anticipate.”

  Jason rested his head against his hand. “You’re the kind of person who follows a recipe exactly, aren’t you? You don’t make substitutions or change things up.”

  “And you’re the kind of person who wouldn’t read the recipe all the way through before you start.” She suddenly remembered all those times she’d seen him in the kitchen at the Strong house preparing a snack for himself and his friends. “No, scratch that. You’re the kind of person who won’t even look at a recipe and just make it up as you go along.”

  “You should try it. Who knows what you could create?”

  She’d create a disaster. Claire was envious that Jason could do something on the spur of the moment and be successful. Her brain didn’t work that way, but she wouldn’t tell him that. This was not the moment to advertise her shortcomings.

  “Put away the organizer, Claire,” he quietly ordered.

  She hesitated. Her methods were like a security blanket for her. As long as she followed her procedure she wouldn’t forget something or go over her deadline. “We don’t have a lot of time.”

  “We don’t need a lot of time,” he decided. “There’s nothing to beta test, or whatever you call it. In fact, that would only waste the time you have left. You have seven days. You just have to act.”

  “I don’t know...” Jason was making sense but she didn’t like what he was saying.

  “You basically want to create a fake profile but in the real world. It’s temporary but it has to look as if you’ve been wild for a while.”

  She reviewed his words in her head. “Yes.”

  “You don’t need a battle plan for that. You just need a partner in crime. I’m that guy. I will make you a wild party girl by next Friday.”

  Claire wasn’t sure how she felt about Jason being part of her strategy. She’d asked for his help, not for him to be her partner. He was smart and intuitive but he didn’t pay attention to detail. That was why she was the support for clients like him. She worked behind the scenes and gave others the spotlight. She anticipated every problem and did the grunt work so her client could shine. That wasn’t Jason’s strength.

  “But you have to be careful with this reinvention,” Jason warned. “If you don’t get the job, you will stay here and people will remember how wild and crazy you were.”

  “I’ll get the job.” She didn’t make eye contact with Jason. She desperately wanted to prove that she was as good as her competition. She wanted everyone to know that she was an expert. Talented and capable. If she got this job, maybe her family would start believing it, too. And maybe she would start believing it during her darkest moments.

  “Are you going to join a Roller Derby this week?” Jason chuckled at the idea. “Find a few trophies for wet T-shirt contests and put them around your home?”

  She kept her head down. “I’ll figure something out.”

  Jason fell into silence as he studied her. “Do you really believe Max has a job waiting for you? Are you sure he’s not playing you?”

  “There’s a job opening. I checked.” But that didn’t mean this wasn’t a game for Max. Max was like the bullies she’d known most of her life. They sensed her vulnerabilities and while they couldn’t figure out the source of her tension, they toyed with her until she wanted to run away and hide. Her quiet demeanor and her ability to blend in to a crowd didn’t always protect her.

  But this time, she wasn’t going to hide. She was going to show her level of expertise even though it would also demonstrate what she couldn’t do. But that was a risk she needed to take. She had to prove to the Max Blairs of the world that her methods and style were just as valuable as theirs.

  “Claire, we have to do this my way. It’s faster. Easier.”

  She was sure it was. Jason had a talent for finding shortcuts. He knew how to get a job done in the least amount of time and still make it look like a million bucks. Maybe she should go with his plan. She could watch him, analyze his methods and see if she could repeat the process.

  But while Jason always found success, this was the first time she’d been part of the equation. What if it went horribly wrong?

  She couldn’t think like that. Jason was going to be her secret weapon.

  “We will try it your way,” Claire said and wished the tension inside her hadn’t soared. “But if I don’t see immediate and quantifiable results, then we do it my way.”

  “Great.” Jason’s smile was triumphant as he rubbed his hands together. “We start tonight.”

  “Tonight?” She stared into his light blue eyes as she fought a kick of panic. “Don’t you have to work?”

  “We close at ten,” he reminded her. “And I was going to a party afterward.”

  “Erica’s bonfire?” she guessed. The annual party was held on Erica’s farm and all of her friends and former classmates would be there. “I’ll be there, too. Any suggestions?”

  Jason’s mouth tilted into a smile. “Arrive late and show as much skin as possible.”

  * * *

  CLAIRE FELT COLD and naked as she walked across the field to the bonfire later that night. Had it really been a good idea to follow a man’s suggestion on appropriate attire? She wished she hadn’t left her coat in the car. The extra layer would have allowed her to hide her curves and give her warmth.

  No, she truly wished she hadn’t worn the skintight jeans that had been in the back of her closet. She’d been saving them in case she lost weight, and it turned out she had not lost an ounce. Claire glanced down at her dark jeans and favorite knee-high boots. The clothes were familiar but there was something different about her. She looked different and she didn’t know why.

  She wandered aimlessly from one group of familiar faces to the next. Claire was aware of the double takes and the way the men were staring at her transparent-looking lace burgundy shirt hoping for a nipple slip. They were in for a long wait.

  Claire didn’t see Jason anywhere and she hoped he came soon. She had lost her chance to make a big entrance and she had no idea what to do to build the foundation of her party-girl reputation.

  She found herself drifting toward a few of her friends who were the wallflowers at every party. Claire felt most comfortable around them. They were standing next to the makeshift DJ table, swaying to the bea
t as they watched people dance.

  “Claire?” Deanna squinted in the dark and then her eyes went wide. “Did you get a boob job?”

  “I’m sorry, what? No.” Claire refrained from crossing her arms as the other women studied her curves. “It’s the same old me.” Although the push-up bra was brand-new. It was uncomfortable but pretty.

  “You look fantastic,” Alison said as she huddled in her dark hoodie.

  “Thank you.” Claire nervously smoothed her hand over her long ponytail. Why did her friend sound so surprised? She’d dressed up before. Not in a shirt that made it look as if she was wearing nothing underneath or that faithfully followed the lines of her body, but the outfit wasn’t that much different from what she’d worn in the past.

  “I love the shirt,” another friend said.

  “I got it at Miranda’s boutique.” Claire had had nothing in her closet that fit Jason’s orders and had gone to one of her clients for help. Miranda had been thrilled at the prospect of playing the fairy godmother. She had dismissed Claire’s concern about the top’s snug fit and low scoop neckline. Claire thought it was too bold and yet she doubted this outfit was what Jason had in mind.

  “So, who’s the guy?” Deanna asked as the DJ put on a slow song.

  “Guy?” Claire felt as though she was one step behind in the conversation. She hated that feeling. “What guy?”

  “You never get dressed up like this.” Deanna motioned at her. “You’re actually showing cleavage. It must be someone special.”

  “No, not necessarily.” Her voice drifted off when she spotted Jason striding toward the bonfire.

  Now that was a man who knew how to make an entrance, Claire thought dazedly. She wasn’t the only person at the party who noticed him, and she was aware of how other guests turned and tracked his progress to the bonfire. There was an energy that crackled in the air when he was around. Some of the guys actually cheered and did fist pumps when they saw him.

  She studied Jason as he greeted a friend. Her pulse started to race as she watched him. He looked almost pagan as the light and shadows from the bonfire emphasized the angles of his face.

  Jason turned to greet another friend and froze when he saw Claire. His astonishment was evident as his gaze traveled down the length of her body. She couldn’t tell if his reaction was good or bad. Did he like what she was wearing or was it the opposite of what he had suggested? Claire didn’t know what to do and gave an awkward wave.

  “Claire, is all this for Jason?” Deanna asked in disbelief.

  “Uh...” Claire’s stomach turned when Jason abruptly changed direction and walked toward her. She wasn’t sure how to answer Deanna. She certainly wasn’t going to tell anyone about her need for a wild reputation.

  “Sweetie, bad idea,” Alison said with a grimace.

  “Why is that?” Claire asked without taking her eyes off Jason. But she already knew the answer. It didn’t have to be said that Jason was out of her league.

  Deanna hesitated before she explained. “You are not Jason Strong’s type. He likes women who are easy.” There was an awkward beat of silence. “No, that’s not what I meant. He likes women who are undemanding.”

  “Silly,” Alison supplied.

  “Simple,” another friend interjected.

  “Stupid, if you want to be blunt about it,” Deanna added.

  “Shush! He’s coming over here,” Alison whispered fiercely before she gave a brilliant smile. “Hi, Jason!”

  Claire said nothing as Jason approached. She considered what the women had said. Jason was creative and clever. She had watched him while he worked at Mountain Creek Wine Cellars and noticed how he bounced around ideas with his employees and how he solved problems. The man thrived in a creative atmosphere. And yet, she had to admit that the women he had dated followed a pattern. They were beautiful and sexy but rarely contributed to the conversation.

  He greeted the women and they preened under his attention. Claire understood how they felt. Her whole body lit up when he was near but she knew how to hide her reaction. Although she couldn’t stop her startled response when Jason grabbed her hand. “Come dance with me, Claire.”

  She went rigid as she sensed the heightened interest of those around her. Dance? They had not discussed this beforehand. She automatically dug her heels into the dirt but Jason either predicted her move or was a lot stronger. Claire’s muscles locked but she didn’t say anything as he guided her to the center of the dance area.

  “Jason, I don’t dance,” she announced through clenched teeth.

  “There’s nothing to it,” he told her as he curled his arms around her. Jason frowned. “You’re too stiff. Just lean against me and follow my lead.”

  She hesitantly stepped closer and draped her arms over his powerful shoulders. She was affected by his nearness. Her skin tingled and her knees were wobbly but he was a solid wall of muscle.

  “I think I should have been more specific when I said ‘show as much skin as possible,’” he murmured as his hands splayed against her back. “You’re completely covered.”

  “It’s a cold September night and the rain is hanging in the air.” That wasn’t the whole reason she hadn’t followed Jason’s advice. She didn’t want him to know that she had already talked herself out of the flirty dresses before she’d even stepped into Miranda’s shop.

  “I approve of the shirt.” His fingers stroked the lace. “It looks like you’re not wearing anything underneath. It’s very distracting.”

  “I think that was the idea. There’s a thin lining underneath that matches my skin tone.” But with his large hands against her spine, it felt as if there was no barrier between his skin and hers.

  “Next time go for a brighter color so you stand out more,” he suggested as his hand slid down her spine. “How long have you been at the party?”

  “I just got here.” She sounded breathless as her heart pounded against her chest.

  “Perfect.” He bent his head and Claire closed her eyes. He was so close and she wanted to curl into him. She shivered as he whispered in her ear. “So, this is what you need to do. First, relax. This is a party.”

  How could she relax when she was wrapped in Jason’s arms? The man of her hottest fantasies surrounded her. Her hands were linked behind his neck and she was tempted to spear her fingers into his hair. She imagined gripping the back of his head before she kissed him hard. “I’ll try,” she said hoarsely.

  “Second, get in every picture. Look like you’re having a really great time. Tilt your head back and laugh hard while the picture is being taken.”

  She wasn’t paying close attention to what Jason was saying. She just nodded and inhaled his scent. It was warm and masculine. She wanted to burrow her head against his neck. Lick his skin and taste him.

  “Third, do something crazy.”

  She blinked a couple of times and met his gaze. “Crazy?” she repeated. “How crazy?”

  The left side of his mouth hitched up. “I recommend taking on every dare.”

  Claire stared at his mouth. What would Jason dare her to do? What would she dare him to do? A kaleidoscope of sexual images crashed through her mind and she tried to ignore the insistent pull deep in her belly.

  She abruptly looked away. “Why would I do that? I have no idea what someone’s going to dare me.”

  “You’ll be fine,” he decided before he dropped his hold on her. “Yeah, I think that covers it. Good luck.”

  Alarm streaked through Claire as her hands dropped down to his chest. “Wait just a second. Where are you going?”

  He jerked his thumb in the direction of the bonfire. “I’m going to—”

  “This is it?” Her voice rose and she hurriedly pressed her lips together before she tried again. “That’s all the help I’m going to get?”

“Earning a reputation is simple,” Jason said as he took a step away. “There’s not much to it.”

  She grabbed his shirt and bunched it with her fist, forcing him to remain where he stood. “You are not getting out of this, Jason Strong,” she hissed in a low tone.

  His hand covered hers. He was so big and powerful compared to her and they both knew he could pluck her hand away with very little effort. “I don’t need to be with you through every step.”

  “Oh, yes, you do, or this deal is off!”

  “Come on, Claire.” Jason tilted his head back as irritation rolled through him. “You are doing everything you have to do. And, let’s face it, your outfit is doing most of the work. Guys are going to swarm you the minute I leave.”

  “I’m not looking for a man,” she reminded him.

  “Right, you’re doing all this so you can get a job with Max.” He clenched his jaw. She couldn’t tell if it was disapproval or disappointment that flickered in his eyes. “If you want him to see that you are a wild woman, then you need to show that you are fighting off all the men.”

  “So to get a man’s attention, I should show that another guy wants me? Great, I’ve just appointed you to be that guy. You’re staying.”

  * * *

  JASON INSTINCTS WARNED him to get away. His chest felt tight as lust pulsed in his blood. He was fighting the urge to touch her. Press his mouth against the base of her neck and feel her pulse beat against his lips. Caress her and watch the blush bloom on her pale skin. He felt as if he was on the cusp of discovering Claire’s hidden side. A part of her that she only revealed to someone special. He wanted to be that special one.

  It didn’t make sense. This was Claire Miller. He had known her forever.

  “So what does a woman have to do to get your attention?” she asked as she gripped his shoulders. He wasn’t sure what his expression revealed but Claire rolled her eyes. “I’m asking purely for research.”

  “Sure you are,” he teased. He tried to imagine what Claire would do if she was interested in him. His skin went hot at the thought of all her drive and passion focused on his pleasure. She wouldn’t give up until she succeeded in getting him into bed.